This week, San Antonio Spurs point guard Tony Parker released his debut French hip hop album. As to be expected, this was about as wise a move as marrying Eva Longoria. It is quite terrible. I'm not joking, it's sub-Federline, please take a listen for yourself:
I'm not any kind of rap or hip hop expert but my God! However, it does have a rival for worst rapping by a non-rapper I have ever seen. Like me, I'm sure your childhood was shaped by Reading Rainbow hosted by the legendary Levar Burton but I must have missed this episode:
Levar Burton may be a lot of things, Geordie Laforge of Star Trek:TNG, Kunta Kinte of Roots, and a brilliant children's television host but he is not a hype emcee by any means. What the hell is rag basketball?
So, who wins this battle of the rap heavyweights?
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