As a university student, I'm not at all ashamed to admit that I have on more than one occasion used Wikipedia. Everyone knows that its not the best source but its useful when you need to know something quick. For instance, if you needed to know that in Estonia, Prime Minister Andrus Ansip's Reform Party won a plurality in the parliamentary elections yesterday you could (Hi Eric!). However, when I use Wikipedia I've often felt that they have an obvious leftist bias. It's clear that Wikipedia is controlled by the overarching liberal elite - any idiot can see that. That's why I was so glad to be directed by The Onion's A.V. Club to "Conservapedia."That's right, Wikipedia for conservatives. Check it out:
Here are my favourite entries:
Fox News:Fox News was started in 1996 in response to the other cable news channels which all had obvious liberal biases. Because of this, Rupert Murdoch decided to start a real new channel which would tell the truth. The success of Fox news over every other news channel is because it is fair and balanced. It has many people on it who work to spread truth such as Sean Hannity who is a great American. Fox News is best because instead of just telling you what to think, they only report the news unbiased and then allow the viewer to decide.
Ronald Reagan:
Ronald Wilson Reagan (February 6, 1911- June 5, 2004) was the fortieth President of the United States from 1981 to 1989, following Democrat Jimmy Carter and preceding Republican George H. W. Bush. Considered by many to be the greatest American President, Ronald Reagan's greatest accomplishments include leading America peacefully through the Cold War, lowering taxes, promoting a free economy, and staunchly opposing socialism and communism, and ending the Cold War in victory for the United States. Reagan was strongly opposed to the concept of Big government, advocating a reduction in the size and budget of the federal government, although during his terms in office the government size and budget both increased rather than decreasing due to tax-and-spend Democrats.
Also, check what they consider to be examples of liberal bias in Wikipedia:http://www.conservapedia.com/Examples_of_Bias_in_Wikipedia
God bless these guys.
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