Friday, April 27, 2007

In Praise of the Unsexy Candidate

I'm just an insignificant Canadian but I don't think it would be an exaggeration to say that the upcoming 2008 U.S. presidential election is going to have global ramifications and determine the direction of virtually every country's foreign policy for years to come. That in mind, the Samurai Buddha is now officially endorsing New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson for the Democratic nomination. The first debate was yesterday and Bill mopped the floor with the media darling candidates; Clinton, Obama, and Edwards. He may not be a sexy candidate but he is the most qualified diplomat in the race. He's low in the polls but now that he's going to enjoy the Samurai Buddha bump. Here are some of his resume highlights:

- Nominated 4 times for the Nobel Peace Prize
- Negotiated the succesful release of U.S. soldiers captured in Iraq (Saddam era), North Korea, and Sudan
- Served as the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations
- Served as Secretary of Energy during the Clinton administration
- Current Governor of New Mexico

Impressive, no? Check out his campaign videos:

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