I hope everyone had a great summer. My summer was very interesting and one of immense personal change. I have moved out of my hometown of Toronto to beautiful Montreal in order to start my graduate studies in English. I've never been more excited/terrified. Anyway, I know no one particularly wants to hear about my personal life but I thought y'all would enjoy this little tidbit from my first week in Montreal.
I thought you'd enjoy this tidbit from my life. So, I was walking home late at night after having a few drinks with an old friend from high school whom I hadn't seen in years. Now, my neighbourhood is very nice but it has a certain criminal element that I love because it livens things up a little and gives me oodles of street cred that otherwise I would go without. My neighbourhood is called Notre Dame de Grace aka N.D.G. aka No Damn Good.
Anyway, like I was saying, I was walking home and I decided to cut through a dark alley for some reason. So, I'm strutting around like I own the town feeling pretty proud that I'm assimilating so well to my new surroundings. Then, as I round the corner onto my street I walk headlong into the handsome gentleman pictued below:

Yes, that is a grown man with a skull tattooed on his face. Needless to say, I promptly crapped my pants. The pants crapping was then followed by a fear induced vomit. After I scampered home like a little girl, I was on the internet and came across a list of the "10 of the Most Insanely-Modified Human Beings in the World." This skull faced gentleman, who lives in Montreal, was listed as #4. Weird, eh? I still have nightmares.
Anyway, I hope enjoyed that tale of my cowardice. Come back for some more posts.
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